Change Housing is an innovative way of working in partnership
Delivering specialist supported housing
Change Housing and its subsidiaries provide an innovative way of achieving significant outcomes for specialist housing that supports local authorities and care providers to provide the right results to achieve sustainable, independent living accommodation within communities.
So people can live well and be happy.
Change are part of the solution for an approach of integrated health and social care for the homeless and vulnerable people who need significant support to change their lives for the better.
Change is an innovative way of working in partnership delivering specialist supported housing.
The bigger picture.
Change Housing - a different attitude, a big picture approach.
Change Housing supports local authorities, housing providers, health and social care businesses, which includes access to its housing subsidiaries if required.
This creates a comprehensive and integrated proposal for the development of the foundations of the physical homes right through to ensuring the provision of the best support required.
Care provider provision
Housing management
Governance and compliance
Finance and investment planning
Business development
Property and development
The people at Change Housing
Making a Difference
Collaborative working.
Change Housing believe in collaborative partnerships, working to ensure their partners benefit from the best in capability, capacity, investment return and all income decisions to deliver exceptional solutions in the provision of specialist supported living.